PPC Summit is the educational Search Marketing conference where you’ll learn how to turbo-charge your Search Marketing profits direct from the experts. Microsoft, Google and others lead hands-on workshops, panel discussions, training sessions, personal consulting—all designed to boost your results!
Attend this intensive, hands-on training and learn how to turn your Search Marketing into non-stop money-makers!
>Winning customer conversion strategies
>Profitable for keyword R&D and web analytics techniques
>Improved quality score and site rank for top results
>Killer ad copywriting tactics, web sites & landing pages
>Effective B2B & B2C advertising secrets for success
REGISTER NOW! Save $400 with code PDX10 for PPC Summits in Chicago: April 22-23, New York: June 16-17 and Los Angeles: Sept. 23-24. www.ppcsummit.com. Just 160 seats available at each event!
Todd Mintz knows PPC…knows Social Media…knows SEO…knows Blogging…knows Domaining…and knows them all real well. He runs growth marketing for )and is also a Director & Founding Member of SEMpdx: Portland, Oregon’s Search Engine Marketing Association, and he can be found here on Twitter and Facebook.
Thanks for arranging Summit on PPC. I am very much interested in this summit definitely i will be there, and the topics chosen for the summit is really great. Thanks once again for arranging such a great summit.
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