Naga Krothapalli is Manager of Media Analytics Services in Client Service Operations at Microsoft. He leads a team of Search Media Analysts involved in providing optimization recommendations and reports to search advertisers. He is also responsible for leading a global initiative in improving optimization and reporting best practices across Microsoft’s CSO.

1) For those who’ve never heard the term before (including me), what is “Media Analytics Services”?

Media Analytics Services is a newly formed group within Microsoft’s Client Service Operations. We provide actionable data insights and optimization recommendations to our customers in order to maximize campaign performance in Microsoft adCenter. Although the current focus is on search media, we plan to extend the analysis to other media as well and provide a great value to customers spending across Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions.

2) What is Microsoft’s view of the SEM Community?

For the adCenter team, the SEM Community is a critical and very important partner. As Microsoft was late to market with adCenter, we view the feedback and support from the SEM Community, be it large SEM firms or smaller boutique shops, to be hugely valuable. We are in constant communications with them about adCenter, feature requests and updates and how we can continually improve our service. In addition, SEMs are some of our largest customers and as a result we value their customer as much as their feedback and look to ensure they are well catered for and their needs are always served.

3) A MSN search for “Cialis” shows 4 blogspot blogs with redirects plus one other seemingly irrelevant result. What is Microsoft doing to make such searches more relevant?

Commercial terms such “Cialis” and “Viagra” are key targets for spammers. We are working constantly through a variety of means to combat this issue. We are committed to reducing spam and improving relevancy of our results. If you come across any spam, please use the following link, which is also on search results page, to provide feedback:

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