Hans Sprecher: One Site, Many Sizes (Responsive Design)
Responsive Design is a design technique that allows websites to fit the device they are used on.
The design needs to have a fluid, flexible layout that fills the screen…wide range of device classes.
Technologies: CSS3, Media Queries; HTML; Javascript; Browser Compatability Design.
Flash: Do you really need I? Solutions: Put a .jpg behind the flash…also include content.
Positioning: Fixed position acts like absolute. Avoid fixing elements…or on devices smaller than 1025 px, change to static.
Need to figure out major breakpoints for design. Large layout changes: Change the number of the columns, collapse navigation items, remove content (carefully). Minor breakpoints: Size the window from large to small, keep a list of any awkward breaks, incrementally change these to look good.
John Andrews: Advice you are given on the Internet is given for a reason with an agenda.
An awesome presentation but entirely conceptual so I stopped blogging & just listened.
Todd Mintz knows PPC…knows Social Media…knows SEO…knows Blogging…knows Domaining…and knows them all real well. He runs growth marketing for )and is also a Director & Founding Member of SEMpdx: Portland, Oregon’s Search Engine Marketing Association, and he can be found here on Twitter and Facebook.