Making Friends & Generating Business

4 Point Plan for Facebook Domination

Speaker: Will Scott

1st remember to have a good time…and don’t interrupt people having a good time.  Rules:

  1. Be real
  2. Give to receive
  3. Don’t be a jerk

4 Point Plan to Facebook Domination

  1. Get team involved
  2. Reach out to current fans
  3. Give reason to get involved
  4. Make new friends

Hold internal competitions

  • Ask employees to recommend your brand to their friends
  • Make it worth their while (e.g. $200 gift certificate)
  • Nothing wrong with bribing your employees

Install Facebook fan box

  • Already on site, makes great fans

Hold an external competition

  • Ignore Facebook rules at your own risk
  • Can hold on-site and off-site

Find fans you don’t already know

  • Advanced demographics and kw filters through Facebook ads
  • Value of fans
  • Target fans
  • Target people coming to an event
  • Bday targeting
  • 1:1 communication with event attendees/maybes

Lion Brand Yarn

Speaker: Ilana Rabinowitz

Facebook is a tool.  Use it as such.

Lion Brand Yarn’s Strategy

Become a valuable source of information and vital community.  Create a place where:

  1. People interact with each other
  2. Where fans can become brand advocates
  3. For people to share stories, ideas, tips, photos, and experiences
  4. To listen to consumers
  5. For us to answer questions
  6. Show appreciation to fans
  7. Seen as individuals rather than a faceless corporation (President made video for fans and was joking around)

How do we know what to say on Facebook?

  • Surveys (what are you interested in?)
  • Looked at peaks in data (what updates are people interacting with?)
  • Know customers after years of correspondence

Voice of Lion Brand

  • One consistent voice
  • Marketing department brainstorms ideas
  • Used graduate student
  • Maintain calendar but much is ad hoc

Building a fan base

  1. Compelling content (e.g. custom comic strips)
  2. Promoted through other media (catalog, newsletter, blog, website)
  3. Fans get you fans
  4. Suggest to friends
  5. Advertise on Facebook

Facebook v. Print Ads: Facebook is extremely effective and measurable & can help engage with a younger audience

Facts of Life on Facebook

  1. Cannot control conversation (competitor mentions, customer complaints)
  2. Requires time and planning (but maybe not too much money)

Marketing with Facebook

  1. Solicit Facebook fans wisely (they are earned capital)
  2. Promotions can make fans disappear like crazy
  3. Keep helping your fan base (continue to provide resources)

Facebook is Measurable

  • to measure clickthrough on links
  • Facebook Insights to measure interaction with fan page
  • Google Analytics to measure engagement from traffic from

Benefits of Facebook

  1. Builds relationships with consumers
  2. Drive web traffic
  3. Manage reputation
  4. Acquire new customers
  5. Builds word of mouth
  6. Provides customer insight
  7. Offer customer service
  8. Amplify other marketing efforts
  9. Replace/Supplement traditional advertising
  10. Generate direct sales
  11. SEO benefits on search engines

Q: Facebook Group v. Fan Page

A: Group makes sense where people engage with each other.  Page makes sense where people engage with the brand

Q: Facebook Do’s?

A: Use a company email as an admin.  Include keywords throughout fan page.  Don’t be a broadcaster – it’s not about you

Q: Analytics Used to Measure Performance?

A: Google Analytics to measure on-site engagement, fan behavior, conversions, URL variable.  Image tag to measure traffic on Facebook.  Facebook Insights are useful as well

Q: Tips and Tricks for Facebook Ads

A: Test, test, test.  Think about the venue you are advertising on

Q: Structure of Facebook social media team and requirements

A: LBY: Grad student works 3-4 days per week, knowledgeable of the brand; can do it in an hour a day

Q: Ideal Frequency

A: Rate of update is based on how frequently fans interact.  Test messaging during various days of the week/hours of the day

Q: What Media Gains Fans Fastest

A: Amplify everywhere it makes sense.  Facebook users hate Twitter. Twitter users hate Facebook.


Will Scott – Search Influence
Ilana Rabinowitz – Lion Brand Yarn


Hallie Janssen


Mike Nierengarten of Anvil Media Inc., a Portland SEM agency

Session Details

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