About Jessica Chang
Area(s) of Expertise
“Analytics, Social Ads, Social Media”
What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“It’s a constantly changing industry. With every new change, especially on social media, there’s new ways to share your message and reach your audience.”
What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Informational meetings and networking. It’s how I got started. I asked someone I knew who was in marketing and asked a ton of questions. Then I asked her if she could recommend someone else who would be great to speak with. I met with that person and I ended up meeting a lot more people in the industry that way. With every meeting I made a connection, learned about their company, discovered what they like/disliked about their job, learned their personal journey to where they are now, and then received advice about how to move forward in that field. I discovered super valuable insights and it gave me the motivation to keep moving forward in my job search.”
Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“SEMpdx provides a great resource for networking and the events they host are great resources to find any digital marketing answers you’re looking for. With the changing industry I always tap into colleagues at SEMpdx for advice or learning other businesses’ social strategy.”
Have you attended Engage, formerly known as SearchFest?
“I’ve attended SearchFest 3 times. I think it’s great to be able to attend a digital marketing conference right here in Portland. I do always come away with valuable pieces of information, whether it’s for my job or for my husband’s gym, Blue Ox Athletics. “
If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“I’m a fan of social responsible companies and learning about innovative ways they have figured out how to give back. Hearing from the CMO of those types of companies and how they are spreading awareness would be great to hear. Either that or I’d love to hear any big Broadway singer speak (& sing); Lea Salonga, Audra McDonald, or Kristin Chenowith..”
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“I would do something that involved singing.”
To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“Thanks so much for choosing me for SEMpdx Member of the Month!”
Thanks, Jessica!
Make sure to congratulate Jessica on her new status of Member of the Month!
Jessica is Director of Membership for SEMpdx. She enjoys managing SEM campaigns for MKG Marketing Inc, making her son laugh, and loves books, nature, and Yorkies.