Ad Blockers: The Impact and Implications for Publishers and Advertisers

With Apple’s latest iOS update blocking cookies by default, consumers are more empowered than ever to control access to their personal information. As if that wasn’t enough of a challenge for publishers, agencies and advertisers, ad blockers...

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6 Highly Effective Millennial Digital Marketing Strategies for 2021

While we all work with, interact with, and/or raise Millennials, we still struggle to understand the 25–40-year-old wired generation. As marketers, we tend to treat them as one homogenous group for targeting purposes and don't take them as...

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Effective Amazon Marketing Strategies for 2021

Introduction Since 1996, I’ve helped clients generate awareness, clicks and conversions via search engines. Over the past decade or more, Amazon has transitioned from a major advertiser on Google to a real threat to Google’s future....

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2020 Digital Marketing Highlights: A Year in Review

For many, 2020 was one big dumpster fire after another: COVID-19, racial injustice, unemployment, business closures and misinformation campaigns. Despite the challenges, many brands, social platforms and marketing strategies thrived. This article...

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2021 Digital Marketing Predictions (via Anvil)

At Anvil we continue to be optimistic about the future, especially 2021. Each year since 2004, we’ve developed digital marketing predictions based on trends we see or believe will emerge in the following year. For reference, we advise you not...

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2020 Digital Marketing Predictions from Anvil Media

Where does the time go? It seems like just a year ago we were making predictions about 2019 digital marketing trends, yet here we are. For the past 15 years, the Anvil team has put on thinking caps, gazed into the crystal ball and read tea leaves to...

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Digital Summit Portland: Day 1 Recap: Voice, Rebel Brands and UX Design

For the third year in a row, I’ve had the opportunity to attend the Digital Summit in Portland. This is my second appearance as a guest presenter, but I’ve elected to attend as many sessions as possible and share insights and thoughts with my...

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Digital Summit Seattle Conference Highlights: Day 2

The second day of the Digital Summit Seattle built on the momentum of day one, which I covered in a previous post. As a veteran digital marketer since 1996, it can be tough to maintain interest or gain new insights, but Digital Summit delivered on...

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2019 Digital Marketing Predictions (+ 2018 Year-in-Review)

As we wind down 2018 this holiday season, it’s a time to reflect on the year’s highs and lows. It’s also a good time to revisit Anvil’s annual digital marketing predictions for 2018 and look forward with new digital marketing predictions for...

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