SMX Seattle: Personalized Search: Michael Gray
Graywolf blog Gaming personalized search. Adds uncertainty to the issue of rankings. PPC - more stability. Ties people into more Google...
Graywolf blog Gaming personalized search. Adds uncertainty to the issue of rankings. PPC - more stability. Ties people into more Google...
Enquiro Social search can be part of personalization. Optimization will happen around themes rather than keywords. Long-tail optimization, optimize around content brackets, understanding user behavior will be vital, user-centric development...
Search Engine Land Personalized Search - results are recorded based upon what's deemed your personal preferences. Personalization influencers - Google personalized home page content, Google Bookmarks, Search History (clicks), Web History...
With the rise of Google's universal search, search engine marketers are going to have to be craftier to make sales / generate leads. Clearly, people who have never thought of using video in SEM (including me) are going to have to adapt to this new...
Securing your social presence. Research relevant social networks, identify existing networks for your brand or your industry, have a strategy & determine who gets social profiles. Consider social profiles for your brand. Create SEO'd profiles &...
Todd's blog Social media for strategic linking. Benefits: control over anchor text, body copy , theme & lots of opportunity for links. Strategies - building reputation neighborhoods, building hubs with social media links, maximizes use of...
Neil's Blog Rules of social media: No pay for votes, no creating multiple accounts, no submission of illegal content. Unwritten rules: no self-promotion, adding biased information, ask friends for votes. Golden Rules: Add tons of friends,...
SEOmoz Website Social Media Marketing vs. Viral Marketing. Creating profiles on Web 2.0 sites vs. Linkerati - Targeted Content, Building friends & relationships in blogoshphers vs. Digg etc. SMM can rule the SERPS, control the brank, get...
Eyton Seidman - Live Search. Why does it matter? Your site - fragments rank / anchhor text / other information you want to appear. Test: unabmiguous where someone links to you. Avoid session paramteters, multiple sites with identical content,...
Supplemental pages--unique content doesn't come up. Will it be found in the search results? Supplemental results--get links, enter index. Supplemental pages are parsed and indexed differently when supplemental...not necessarily every word & page....