About Travis Roberts
Area(s) of Expertise
SEO, Social Media, Content
What do you like most about Digital Marketing and why?
“At the risk of sounding trite, what I enjoy most about digital marketing is the freedom it provides me to indulge my creative thought process. Despite my having studied creative writing and publishing a few short stories, I never truly believed that I’d be able to write creatively for a living, and I am eternally grateful to Rachel Schmidt and Darin Fenn for the opportunity to do so.”
What advice do you have for a college student who is interested in your area(s) of expertise?
“Well, if your background is in creative writing and you genuinely cannot envision yourself doing anything less than punching a keyboard all day, my advice is to simply trust in your ability and stick with the process. You can’t construct an effective digital marketing strategy without creative, well-written content, and Portland boasts a wonderful market for showcasing your talent.”
Why are you a member of SEMpdx?
“The quick, easy and honest answer is that I’m an SEMpdx member due to my position with Upsource. That being said, SEMpdx has played a large role in my being introduced to the dynamic, ever-changing digital marketing scene here in Portland, and I’m incredibly proud to be associated with this organization.”
Who’s been your favorite SEMpdx monthly event speaker and why?
“I attended an event in January at BridgePort BrewPub that I was particularly fond of. Lisa Williams and Heather Martin-Lloyd spoke about content strategy and copywriting, the latter of which has interested me since my days at Western Washington University. Both women were eminently knowledgeable, and their presentation was both expansive and easy-to-follow.”
If you could hear anyone speak at an event, who would it be and why?
“Rob Siltanen, former Managing Partner and Creative Director at TBWA/Chiat/Day. You might know him as the guy who created Apple’s “Think Different” campaign, one of the most visionary advertising campaigns of all time. Any time you employ Joan Baez, Bob Dylan and Miles Davis to sell high-priced computers — inspiring countless people to tear down illusory barriers in the process — you have my full attention.”
If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now (marketer, developer, etc), what would you do?
“In a perfect, Donald Trump-less world, I’d divvy up my time writing a novel, teaching college-level English, and taking care of the cutest, coolest little girl on earth.”
Favorite Beverage and why?
“Gin & Tonic. Not only is it the perfect remedy for a stressful week, but it can also be abbreviated to match the initials of myself and the woman with whom I’m hopelessly, shamelessly in love.”
To Bacon or Not to Bacon?
Anything else you want the SEMpdx community to know about you?
“Writing for Upsource has been one of the most significant and rewarding opportunities to ever come my way. If you’re not yet familiar with what we do and/or our role in Portland’s digital marketing community, come say hi. We’ll be the ones shaping the future of this industry.”
Thanks, Travis!
Make sure to congratulate Travis on his Member of the Month status on social media and in person if you see him at an event.
Jessica is Director of Membership for SEMpdx. She enjoys managing SEM campaigns for MKG Marketing Inc, making her son laugh, and loves books, nature, and Yorkies.