301 to https://www.sempdx.org/engage/speakers/marty-weintraub/
President – aimClear
Marty is author of “Killer Facebook Ads” (Wiley/Sybex 2011) & CEO of aimClear®, an online search & social marketing agency that has managed Facebook ad campaigns generating over 30 billion impressions internationally. Client credits include MarthaStewart.com, Siemens, Second Life & other global brands. Recent & upcoming keynotes include MediaPost Search Insider Summit & OMS, as well as appearances in London, Israel, New York, Portland, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco & other cities around the world.
He’s written extensively for respected Internet marketing publications including SearchEngineWatch, SearchEngineLand, SearchEngineRoundTable & been quoted in many others. aimClear Blog was cited as a Technorati Top 10 Small Business Blogs, Cison Top Ten Social Media Blogs & PRWeb’s 25 Essential Public Relations Blogs You Should Be Reading.
Marty enjoys camping, canoeing, fishing, patronizing James-Beard-award-winning restaurants, & fine wine,
Check out Marty’s SearchFest 2012 Mini-Interview before the big event.